Hello WOYWWers!
Here's what's on my desk today...actually I took the pictures last night (Shhh!).

To all of you who were green with envy over my clean desk- let's all go be jealous of someone else's clean desk this week!

I have a cold and have been feeling horrible since sunday night. I haven't done anything else since then. I haven't even wanted to tidy up my desk.

The sewing machine and thread have been there since the weekend when I was working on that harvest card on the left.

The flowers and markers are new stash that I bought on tuesday....Shopping is the best medicine! lol.
I finished the harvest card on monday. It will go to my sister sometime soon. She celebrates the harvest and not halloween.
It's my first easel card! Here's a close up:

I decided to show a little more this week....this is what's under my desk:

On the far left I store my canvases and my 12x12 folder for storing big sticker sheets and such. Then we have that yellow bag where I keep my gift bags. Next is a box for my paints and brushes, on top of that is a ribbon storage box for the ribbons I don't use often and on top of that you can see my box for puffy paints and my apron.

The drawers on the right are where I keep more ribbon....hmmm....I think I love ribbon more than I know! (as many of you know, I also have a ribbon rack on top of my desk). In the drawers I also keep some small brushes and souveniers like brochures and tickets that will go on my scrapbook pages. On top of the drawers I have a red and gold box to keep my scraps of hand made and specialty papers. Finally, on top of the red box I have some coordinating kits waiting to be used :)

phew! That was whole bunch of stuff! Thanks for keeping up...and Thanks for visiting! Now I'm off to see what's on your desk!


  1. Hi Karla
    great piccies, hope your feeling better soon, gorgeous card, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  2. Your card is gorgeous! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  3. I sure hope you feel better so I can see a messy desk next wed!!!!!!!!!

  4. Tidy and neat. Neat and tidy. Nice card. Hope u feel better soon!
    Mr. Linkey #148

  5. That card is lovely. Hope you are feeling better soon

  6. Lovely card and a still very tidy desk. Really hope the cold improves very soon.
    A x

  7. I hope by now you are feeling better. It looks like you have used every inch of space in your studio.

    Your harvest card is very nice and so well done. I envy anyone who makes cards, since I can't seem to get the hang of it.

    I'm having blogger problems today, so I'm hoping this goes through.

  8. Are you sure that is a messy desk and not just a few cunningly placed items designed to look a bit messy? The card is fantastic I'm sure your friend will love it.

  9. your card is beautiful.. I was thinking of getting one of those mini sewing mechines.. cuz I just have a reg-big mechine that I have to drag out to use... so is that mini one easy to use and is the stitching nice????

    Shirley Pumpkin (#102)
    Thanks for the comment!!

  10. You're super organized esp compared to me! Lots of lovely stuff to play with on your desk! Hope you feel better!

  11. Ribbons ribbons ribbons... I think you have a problem tee hee!!! Sorry to hear you have such a bad cold and hope it is soon better. Thanks for our lovely comments on my blog

  12. Love your photo cube...

    on my desk - Left hand (as you look at it) book is an altered book my son asked me to make about my life,

    the oneonthe right is my SketchBook Project (click on the sketchbook project link button on my blog if you want to join in)

    sorry its a return call and not a direct on Weds WOYWW comment - I just couldn't find time to get round everyone and I found I was not getting things done if I wowyww every day - I could spend ALL my spare time gazing lovingly at the fab work going on out there!...

    thanks for your visit,


  13. I know! I'm late getting round, there's never enough hours in a day, fab desk you have, I'm wondering if mine would be tidier if it were real wood or white! (no!) Read your above post (of course!!)I'm surprised those lovely Le Plumme pens rubbed up the paper, whispered do too, you'll find Promakers (permanent) won't do that.
    Lovely easel card!! Have a great week and a good snoopy woyww! (On Friday!)

  14. Lovely tidy desk and good retail therapy there! I bought some of those flower packs this week too! Hope you feel better soon.

    Brenda (93)

  15. Love that dinky sewing machine and your under desk storage - I can hardly get my knees under mine desk there is so much stuff under there.
    Hope you're feeling better.
    x Tricia

  16. Hope you are feeling better by the time you read this comment and you've found time to play with your lovely new goodies.


  17. Doesn't it suck when you're too sick to craft? Hope you're feeling better. Well, I'm very late so you should be!

  18. love the mini sewing machine, it's so cute!

    Shopping IS indeed a great form of medicine - hope you're feeling a lot better by now :-)


    ps - sorry I'm late


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