I Saw A Map

On 07/13/11, the hubs and I were drinking a cappuccino on a cruise ship. We were on our way from Athens to Venice. We saw this at the bottom of our cup and we joked about it foretelling the future. I saw a map. I said 'traveling must be in our future!' 

Two years later on 07/11/13 we were visiting Stonehenge. This was one of the places I always wanted to see!  


This is for a scrapbooking class in which we experiment and discuss with our right brain/left brain tendencies. I'm 59% right brained according to an online test by the art institute and I've confirmed it throughout the class because dam! the left brain challenges are tough for me! 


This is totally a right brain thing. I know only one of the pictures is from 2013 but I liked this 'twenty 13' with the 'such fun' so I used it on this LO. Why wait till next time I scrap 2013 pictures?! 

Hope your week has been awesome! TGIF!


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