One Giant Sequoia Stump

I needed lots of room for journaling on here. I used 2 journaling cards and one hidden behind the photo with the yellow tab. There are actually stairs to go up the stump. According to the guides at Sequoia National Park, dances were hosted on this stump. It is very possible once you get up there. It's pretty darn giant. 

There was a family there, grandparents and all. The grandma gave us this idea of holding hands so we could illustrate the size of the stump and the grandpa took the picture. 


I think this is one place in the US that is definitely worth visiting. The tab behind the photo talks about how sections of this tree were taken on exhibition around the country. No one could believe that these giant trees really existed and it became known as the California hoax. Once you've been there you can understand the skepticism! 


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