At the zoo

Does it count as your first trip to the zoo if you technically couldn't see anything yet? 
I went with my students on a field trip, and was very glad every child had a parent or family member to accompany them because I got to take it slow. It was a hot day in June and I rested and snacked as much as possible which is not as easy to do if you have students without parents to chaperon. 
I was 6 months pregnant at the time and it was a long, tiring day. 
Technically it was my baby girl's first time at the zoo, but probably not officially since she didn't get to see anything LOL


I included the map as part of the page and it will be fun to see how much the zoo changes in the coming years. 

Hope your weekend was great! 
Don't forget to check out the DCWV/MayArts/Tombow blog hop starting tomorrow!


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