Because Gold was Hot in 2014...

"Because gold was HOT in 2014, I piled a whole bunch of it on this LO for you"- Me to my daughter in the future

I wanted to make a LO to write down everything her daddy and I remember from the time in our lives when she was only 2 weeks old. We both agree that it was a blur and we were zombies. We still are, somewhat lol. I used the Gilded Paper stack for my background and a couple page protectors and cards form the Insta Photo fun line to hide the journaling.


 I want to find another photo to put behind the page protectors, so I'm leaving this spot empty for now. 

So, according to a photo tweet by Shimelle Laine, Silver is the new Gold...I guess I better use up my gold supplies berfore it's out of photo corners...remember those?! 


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